ArtSpirit Summerland

The Music of ArtSpirit Summerland
ArtSpirit Summerland fosters self-expression and musical mastery in students of all ages. We believe that learning music builds character, self-esteem, team-work and lifelong joy. And while the courage, the perseverance and the discipline that grow out of music lessons are serious things, we approach it all with humour, games and creativity.

Linnea Good
Singing, Piano, Ukulele
Linnea Good is a singer-songwriter and educator, who has worked her entire life in schools, community venues and churches to encourage the freedom of singing in children and adults. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree with Honours from the University of New Brunswick and a Master of Religious Education degree from Emmanuel College, University of Toronto, with a specialty in education with music as a tool.
Linnea’s piano training was and is through the Royal Conservatory of Music programme, with honours/distinction. She has trained in conducting through the BC Choral Federation, has worked in the Orff pedagogical method, has led choirs of children, teens and adults in and out of the Christian church.
She and her drummer/partner, David Jonsson, regularly travel throughout North America to perform. Their latest CDs, “Swimmin’ Like a Bird” and “Momentary Saints”, were nominated Children’s and Gospel albums of the year by a variety of Canadian music associations. Her music is published in song resources around the world. The couple are both members of Charlotte Diamond’s nationally-acclaimed Hug Bug Band for children. They travel yearly to India, to share their music and friendship.

ArtSpirit Summerland offers...
Click on a poster below to learn how you can join us in music
Co-sponsored by the Summerland Arts Council, this (8:30-12:30) morning day-camp is for children 6-12. Art with Betty Ann Xenis, Ukulele (3 levels) and Musical Literacy with Linnea and Hand Drumming with Bobby Bovenzi. Bursaries available, Early Bird rates if you hurry. Numbers are limited.
Every year in July, children celebrate a week of music with singing, games, hip hop dance, ukulele instruction, friendship and art - all with exceptional adult and youth leadership.
This year, we are thrilled to confirm that the week-long event will again be a full day of kid-programming, morning and afternoon.
With "Music Mornings" and "Active Afternoons", the camp promises quality and rounded musical instruction coupled with: Swimming, Games and Yoga. A perfect day for children, and a dream come true for their adults.
Summerland Music & Adventure Camp 2020 dates:
July 6-10, 2020
Mon-Fri 8:30-4:00pm
Early bird price until May 31, 2020
Last year's poster...
SATURDAYS 9:-00-9:45am
an educational setting for upcoming and early students of piano, relevant also to students of ukulele, guitar and band instruments.
45 minutes of songs, games, bucket-drumming, rhythm reading, learning the notes on the keyboard by sight, stories and rhymes that would teach critical beginning musical concepts in a full-body way, in preparation for instrument study.
Learning Goals:
* Sing and move, to locate music in our whole body
* Experience Loud vs Soft, High vs Low, Fast vs Slow, Smooth vs "Bumpy"
* Experience emotions through music
* Make rhythms with our feet, voice, hands, body beats and bucket drumming
* Learn rhythm words (Ta, Titi) and rhythmic notation
* Learn our finger numbers
* Identify notes on the piano keyboard

Contact us
Linnea Good
Musical Animator – Borealis Music
14409 Cartwright Ave
Summerland BC V0H 1Z8
Skype: linneagood